Shashish|Anutshish : a virtual museum to explore past and present First Nations culture.


Uashat mak Mani-Utenam

The objects surrounding us are priceless for what they tell of our history. Here, objects were chosen by the members of the Uashat mak Mani-Utenam community in order to constitute a collection showing what is important to them.

Daniel St-Onge has selected this item because ...

Because I was in a lure fishing contest in Schefferville and I won the trophy. You had to try several lures. I chose that one and the fish bit: I was the one who got the most.

Which object is it?

Caribou-bone necklace Bedside clock Laminated photograph of her grandmother, Caroline Tshernish Pinette, and her mother, Blandine Fontaine Fishing spoons
