Shashish|Anutshish : a virtual museum to explore past and present First Nations culture.

First Peoples


Title of the work

Table inspired by a wood bending technique similar to snowshoeing


Bernard Connolly

Born into a family of artists and craftspeople, Bernard learned how to make artwork at a very young age. His father and grandfather were his mentors. He later was taught the techniques of babiche braiding by his wife, Mariette Manigouche. Although he mostly makes traditional Montagnais snowshoes, he also designs contemporary furniture which is inspired by that craft. Tradition is of great importance to Bernard and he hopes to pass on his traditional skills and knowledge to future generations.


(2004) Birch, babiche
A true philosopher, Bernard questions himself and others prior to the skilful execution of the visions which have always been a part of him. The honourable spirits of his ancestors live within him and feed the dreamer in him, a private side hidden behind his smile. Like a child, he both solemnly and enthusiastically embraces every idea which comes his way. He approached the creation of his end table with the same strive for excellence he applies when making his traditional snowshoes. The formal properties and technical mastery of this ancient art shape this new product, a creation as light as it is transparent. Bernard has happily provided us with a glimpse of his endless supply of sensitive creativity.
