Shashish|Anutshish : a virtual museum to explore past and present First Nations culture.

First Peoples


Title of the work

"Coat for a Shaman of the present".


Pascal André

Pascal is a self-taught craftsman whose passion for drawing and artwork dates back to his childhood. He has an uncanny ability to adapt to any situation and is extremely resourceful. Lately, his skills have led to him working as a furniture and interior designer. He also writes poetry and songs and considers such means of expression as a privilege. A member of the Association des artistes du Canada, Pascal has often been invited by the Canada Council for the Arts to speak about Aboriginal art.


(2005) Leather, "duffel", "ligneous material", elements of nature.
"I wanted to make a piece of clothing which speaks of the meeting of two cultures with common roots, the Asian culture and the Amerindian culture. Some of the ornaments I used as decorations were found on the beach at Mani-Utenam. I do various montages with driftwood, feathers, bones, and shells which I sell in the community. This is the first time I create a montage on a piece of clothing."
