Shashish|Anutshish : a virtual museum to explore past and present First Nations culture.

First Peoples


Title of the work

Maquette of a tent inspired from traditional Montagnais


Mariette Manigouche

Mariette masters various sewing techniques and can create pieces of work ranging from traditional tents to embroidered gloves. She has mastered the process of tanning moose hides for babiche and is an expert in babiche braiding. Mariette is constantly searching for novel ways to create art and is concerned with handing down Ilnu knowledge and culture to future generations. She finds peace and quiet in nature as well as an endless source of inspiration.


(2004) Canvas, coloured fabric, exterior frame in wood poles with fir bough floor.
Mariette took part in the creativity game with an open mind. Her skillfully agile hands breathed life into an assortment of both exploratory and traditional projects. She created original yet useful tent accessories of various shapes and colours. To her surprise, the exercise involving the maquette, which had proven, at first, a hindrance to her artistic expression, successfully produced two original tent designs. The first cleverly reinterprets the round forms of ancestral tents; and the second, the studio of her dreams, combines the solidity of a log camp and the lightness of the nomad's canvas tent. Mariette's designs are invitations to dream of a life rooted to its territory, a life where simplicity reigns.
