Shashish|Anutshish : a virtual museum to explore past and present First Nations culture.

First Peoples


Title of the work

Wolf-shaped night light


Allen Grégoire

Finding inspiration in nature, Allen is a sculptor who works with stone, antlers, and moose bone. His art themes include animals, jewellery, chess pieces, and reproductions of various traditional tools. A collection of his sculptures are permanently exhibited in the Shaputuan Museum in Uashat. Executed with precision, skill, and experience, Allen's works are prized by collectors and art shops. He is very implicated in the Aboriginal art scene.


(2004) Linden, glass, electric system.
With his hands, Allen reveals the beings which seem to live within natural materials. Does his work uncover a world which already exists? Does he create a world born from his own imagination? During our workshops, Allen took the time to assimilate our work methods. He then started work, at his own pace, on two distinct projects which were significant for him and his culture: an ambient lamp- created from a combination of a wood sculpture of a hurling wolf and a glass moon, contrasting warm and cold materials- and the necklace of a shaman. The animal world he brought to life on this necklace is testimony not only to the sculptor's absolute mastery of the art but of the deep spirituality rooted in his native heritage. It is this very profoundness that captures our attention.
